Recognitions & Awards
"Cultural Tourism" Veliko Tarnovo
Honorary diploma for contribution to the development of tourism advertising of Bulgaria - Filmvest "On the East Cost of Europe"
Project name: Orpheus' sanctuary near the village of Tatul - a documentary of the film sequel "Bulgarian Landmarks"
Description: a documentary in five languages about the archeological discoveries and the legends in the region of the village of Tatul.
Advertising Expo
Annual award in category New technology section Souvenirs
Project name: The film sequel "Bulgarian Landmarks" in CD/ DVD postcards
Description: A sequel of documentaries and multimedia presentations about cultural and historical objects in Bulgaria translated up to eight languages.
Computer Space
Nominee in category Offline Multimedia.
Project name: "To show Bulgaria in its full briliance"
Author: M-DESIGN Ltd.
Description: It is a multimedia product presenting the history of the Christianity in Bulgarian territories and the Bulgarian contribution to the world heritage (Bulgarian sites inscribed in the UNESCO world heritage list, as well as these, which deserve to be included in it). The product is ordered by the National Endowment Fund "13 Centuries Bulgaria". It is created with Adobe Flash CS3. It includes a rich gallery with pictures, text information in 3 (later 4) languages, voice and music.
The poffline multimedia became a part of Bulgaria's presentation in European Parliament in Brussels in March 2009, realized by NEF 13 Centuries Bulgaria.
Advertising Expo
Nominee in category "Promotional products"
Project name: CD/ DVD Ticket
Description: The CD/ DVD Ticket combines the functions of the well known standard ticket and the feautures of the CD/ DVD media – the CD/ DVD surface (can be used for advertisement) and the information in the disc.
The CD/ DVD Ticket can replace the existing paper tickets for film show, concert, theatre/ opera/ musical/ ballet performance, museum, art gallery, promotional forum with entrance or invitation, etc.
The disc itself can include information about the event, authors/ performers/ organizers of the event, a movie trailer, advertisement promoting a product, information about a performance, a virtual journey in a museum or an exhibition, etc.
Advertising Expo
Annual award in category Multimedia
Project name: Euromarket Group
Description: presentation of the company and the products in two languages in text and pictures, intro with 2 and 3D animation, music background
National Exchange Cultural Tourism Veliko Turnovo
Honorary diploma of the Filmfest "On the East Cost of Europa"
Project name: The monastery St. John the Precursor - a documentary of "Bulgarian Landmarks"
Description: A documentary about the history and rebirth of a monastery, which ruins lie in the ground for four centuries. A narrative by Prof. Nikolai Ovcharov - the leader of the archeological team.
Made in Bulgaria
Golden lion and honorary diploma by the Union MADE IN BULGARIA
Project name: luxury CD/DVD package M-PACK®
Description: CD/ DVD packages in three models for all kinds of discs (standard 120 mm, mini 80 mm and shaped discs)
Advertising Expo
Annual award in category Multimedia
Project name: Scania Bulgaria
Description: presentation of the company and products in one language, manual and automatic naviagation in the gallery, interactive menu, music background.
Advertising Expo
Annual award in category Multimedia
Project name: Sunnytex
Description: presentation of the company and products in one language
manual and automatic naviagation of products categories in galleries
music background